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Understanding Frozen Shoulder: Navigating pain and recovery

Diving into the world of frozen shoulder, an intricate condition that affects about 2-5% of us, offers a clearer picture of its impact and how to deal with it. This condition tends to be more common in women, but it can happen to anyone. At Quay Kinetics Physio, we're here to break down what frozen shoulder is, why it happens, and how we can help you manage and recover from it.

Your shoulder function and range of movement can return.

Unraveling the Mystery

Frozen shoulder gets its name from the way it feels – your shoulder feels 'frozen' in place. It's like someone hit the pause button on your shoulder's movement. And it's not just uncomfortable – it can be really painful.

The Why Behind the Freeze

What causes this 'freeze' is still a bit of a puzzle. It might be because of changes in the tissues around your shoulder, like the capsule, tendons, and muscles. Joint issues like osteoarthritis can play a role too. Rarely, more serious things like fractures or tumors can be behind it, but that's super uncommon, affecting less than 1% of cases.

Who's in the Spotlight?

Frozen shoulder can show up in two ways – it can just happen out of the blue with no clear cause (primary), or it can be linked to other things going on in your body (secondary). Things like diabetes, cardiovascular issues, or even genetics can play a role in this second type.

What It Feels Like

Most people dealing with frozen shoulder are in their 50s or older. Imagine waking up one day and your shoulder just won't move like it used to. It hurts, a lot, and it can even make your whole arm ache. Everyday things like reaching for things or getting dressed can become real challenges.

The Road to Relief

The good news is that frozen shoulder doesn't have to be a life sentence. There are steps you can take to make things better. Staying active and doing exercises shown to you by a skilled physiotherapist can help you manage the pain and regain some movement. And simple things like pain relief and using hot packs can provide some relief too.

Getting Your Shoulder Moving Again

Your journey to a better shoulder involves doing exercises that gradually help your arm move better. Think of them as training your shoulder to move freely again. And don't worry – we'll guide you through every step.

Lifestyle Matters

Beyond exercises, making some lifestyle changes can really boost your recovery. Quitting smoking, eating healthy, and managing stress can all play a big role in how well your shoulder heals.

Other Options

In some cases, injections with special medicine can help ease the pain, especially if you're having trouble sleeping. Surgery is a last resort, only considered if all other options have been tried.

Your Path to Freedom

Frozen shoulder might slow you down, but it doesn't have to stop you. If shoulder pain is holding you back, don't hesitate to see a healthcare expert who can give you the right guidance. Connect with us at [www.quaykineticsphysio.co.uk](https://www.quaykineticsphysio.co.uk) to take the first step towards a shoulder that moves freely again.

Thanks for joining us on this journey to understanding frozen shoulder better. Remember, at Quay Kinetics Physio, we're here to help you Aim Higher and Get Better.