Quay Kinetics Physio - Exeter

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5 Mistakes Worsening Your Achilles Tendonitis: How To Avoid Them and Support Tendon Healing.

Achilles tendonitis can be a persistent and painful condition that can affect active individuals. To effectively manage and heal from Achilles tendonitis (more commonly referred to now as tendonopathy as it is not a purely inflammatory problem), it's essential to recognise and avoid common mistakes that can exacerbate your symptoms. In this blog post, we will explore five crucial errors that may be worsening your Achilles tendonitis. By understanding and addressing these issues, you can optimise your healing process and promote long-term recovery.


1. Overloading the Tendon:

Continuing to overload the Achilles tendon is a significant mistake that can worsen your condition. Pushing through pain or repeatedly engaging in high-impact activities places excessive stress on the already injured tendon, impeding its healing. It's vital to listen to your body and modify your activities accordingly. Gradually progress your exercise routine, avoiding sudden increases in distance, speed, or intensity. By slowly and gradually increasing tendon load, you allow it to adapt and strengthen over time.


2. Neglecting to Monitor "Pay-back" or "Latent" Pain:

Failure to monitor and understand "pay-back" or "latent" pain can hinder your ability to judge appropriate tendon load. These types of pain typically occur after activity and indicate that your tendon is being overworked. Pay close attention to any delayed or lingering pain following exercise and adjust your activities accordingly. Monitoring and respecting these pain signals can help you prevent further tendon damage and support healing.


3. Neglecting Modifiable Risk Factors:

Addressing modifiable risk factors is crucial for the overall health of your Achilles tendon. Factors such as excess weight, smoking, chronic stress, poor nutrition and less than 7hrs of sleep a night can all significantly impact tendon health and recovery. For example, excess weight places additional stress on the tendon, exacerbating symptoms. It's essential to take proactive steps to maintain a healthy weight and support your metabolic health through proper nutrition, sleep and exercise. By working on improving these risk factors, you are promoting the health of the Achilles tendon and support its healing process.


4. Inconsistently Performing Strength Exercises:

Consistently performing calf muscle strength exercises is vital for the rehabilitation and recovery of Achilles tendonitis. However, many individuals make the mistake of neglecting or inconsistently performing these exercises. These exercises help strengthen the calf muscles, which provide crucial support to the Achilles tendon. By adhering to your physiotherapist's prescribed exercises and maintaining consistency, you can promote tendon healing and prevent further aggravation.


5. Rushing Through Rehabilitation:

A common misconception is underestimating the length of time required for tendon healing. Many individuals expect quick results and rush through their rehabilitation program, leading to continuous flare-ups of tendon pain. Tendon healing is a gradual process that can take between 3-12 months, and rushing through rehabilitation can impede progress and worsen symptoms. It's important to understand that patience and adherence to the recommended timeline are key to achieving long-term healing and minimising future flare-ups.



To effectively manage Achilles tendonitis and support healing, it's crucial to avoid common mistakes that can exacerbate symptoms. By addressing tendon load, monitoring pain signals, addressing modifiable risk factors such as weight, consistently performing calf muscle strength exercises, and recognising the time required for tendon healing, you can optimise your recovery process. Remember, seeking guidance from a qualified Chartered Physiotherapist is invaluable for developing a personalised treatment plan and ensuring proper care for your Achilles tendon. By avoiding these five mistakes, you can take proactive steps towards a pain-free and fully healed Achilles tendon.


If you're currently dealing with Achilles tendonitis or experiencing persistent pain, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Our team of experienced Chartered Physiotherapists at Quay Kinetics Physio Clinic in Exeter are here to provide you with the expert guidance and support you need for your Achilles tendonopathy recovery. Book an appointment and start your journey towards pain-free living. Our knowledgeable physiotherapists will assess your condition, develop a personalised treatment plan, and guide you through the proper techniques and exercises to support your Achilles tendon healing.